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NYX,  A Creative Institute. 

We are a very small private institute based in Japan.
We are freewheeling, thinking about what we can do, researching, and developing digital tools to support future creativity.

​クリエイティブ研究所 ニクスへようこそ





A report on our year's activities, with a greeting photo session.


In 2024, NYX began a series of interviews and essays with the President of Tokyo University of the Arts as part of its cultural research on “CONTRUST”. Two completely new projects have also been launched! One is about “VR”. The other is on “welfare. With the addition of welfare professionals, the institute has become a lively place. The world is not in a good state, but we are still happy! Well, I did the meet and greet shoot again this year. It's a good opportunity for everyone to get together and reflect. This time we experienced the transformation into a beautiful girl on VR.



The Latest Project








Web Browser 

Jul 26, 2023

Open Beta

Japan Only

The electronic contract application to prevent troubles after the sale of works. *Available in Japan region only.​



This service is a browser-only electronic contract application to prevent troubles after the sale of works. The aim is to create an electronic contract between the author and the owner of everyday problems related to the copyright of a purchased artwork and to solve possible problems in advance. The name of our service is a coined word combining "Contract" and "Trust".


CONTRUST can quickly and easily conclude electronic contracts while confirming the rights of both the seller and the buyer and can even automatically issue a certificate of purchase for the artwork. This service enables artists handling artworks such as drawings and photographs and art collectors as buyers to mutually confirm "what rights are licensed and what can and cannot be done" in plain form at the time of purchase and sale. This service effectively prevents problems caused by a lack of knowledge and awareness of copyrights. It also enables buyers to enjoy artworks more actively by being aware of the rights they are granted and the rights they naturally have. CONTRUST simplifies creating a contract, usually done by a specialist, so that even if you do not know the copyright, you can create and sign a valid electronic contract in a simple and understandable process.









Nov 13, 2024




”Don't Sell Your Important Works of Art”
Interview with Katsuhiko Hibino, President of Tokyo University of the Arts 


This report series is part of NYX's ongoing research and development CONTRUST initiative, which aims to broadly share the voices and experiences of those involved in the creative process. members of the NYX team have been visiting and interviewing former mentors. This time, we have a long interview with Katsuhiko Hibino, President of Tokyo University of the Arts. The content of the conversation [Part 1] includes stories from when the president was a student, taboo pricing of artworks, storage issues of artworks, etc. [Part 2] The future of support for alumni, which has been seen as an issue, and references to issues related to 150 years of Japanese art, are all included in this must-see interview. You may find something new in this interview even if you are not an art fan. ([Part 1] updated on Wednesday, November 13, 2024 [Part 2] updated on Thursday, November 20, 2024)

本レポートシリーズは、NYXが研究開発中の「CONTRUST」の活動の一環として、クリエイティブ・プロセスに携わる人々の声や経験を広く共有することを目的としています。NYXチームのメンバーが元指導者を訪ね、インタビューを行っています。今回は、東京藝術大学学長の日比野克彦氏へのロングインタビュー。対談内容【前編】は、学長が学生だった頃の話、タブー視されている作品の価格設定、作品の保管問題など、【後編】課題視されてきた卒業生への支援の今後、日本美術150年の課題についての言及など、必見の内容となっています。美術ファンならずとも、このインタビューから新たな発見があるやもしれません。 (【前編】2024年11月13日(水)公開 【後編】2024年11月20日(木)公開

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